synthetic biology
number of breaks: 3
Strip it out and build it back! Engineering a morphogen gradient
Imagine finding yourself in a thick crowd of people and having to figure out your whereabouts. Before the advent of smartphones, you used to have two main options: asking someone, or inspecting your surroundings in hopes of recognizing any landmarks. The smell of fresh bread... click to read more
Engineering bacteria to save honey bees
Humans have kept honey bees for millennia, and scientists love to study them because of their unique societies (80,000 bees can live and work together in a single hive!) and communication (they exchange information by "dancing"). Honey bees also help produce much of the food... click to read more
The inanimate building-blocks for a living synthetic cell
In the field of "bottom-up" synthetic biology, we aim to build lifelike systems from inanimate building blocks. From this approach, we hope to gain deeper insights into the fundamental processes of life and develop new technological innovations. One such significant and possibly the most remarkable... click to read more
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